The 31.5 km road from Guabal to Calovebora, on the Caribbean coast, was started early 2016. This road will connect Santa Fe to the Caribbean Coast. The project is estimated to take 4 years to build the road to the coast. The first goal is to Rio Luis which is on the banks of the Calovebora river.

As at January 2017 the section of the road to Ortiga has been completed. This road is a tosca (broken rocks) road which will be asphalted at a later date, this is how the project will proceed first with a tosca road and later it will be asphalted. The tosca road is only suitable for 4×4 vehicles.

Tosca road to Ortiga

Tosca road to Ortiga

At Oritga there is a quarry for broken rocks to cover the existing mud road. The layer of broken rocks range from 60 cm to a couple of metres depending on how deep the mud is.

Quarry, Ortiga

Quarry, Ortiga

At Ortiga one of two bridges are to be built, the Ortiga bridge has not yet been started. The construction crews are at present a few kilometres along the road on the other side of the river from Oritga. They are clearing and widening the road.

From Ortiga the next town is Rio Luis which is about 4 hours walk on a very muddy road. Never underestimate the power of deep mud!



The bar at El Bambu, cold beer in the middle of the mud!

cantina el bambu

The mud just gets worse to Rio Luis.

mud road01 rio luis

mud road rio luis

From Rio Luis the coastal town of Calovebora can be reached by going down the river Calovebora or by walking. The easiest way at present is by river.

Going down the river.



And the following day going up the river after it had been raining.


The town of Calovebora lies at the mouth of the river on the coast.

More updates to follow.